The Review Crew
Payment Information
For US-Based Payments:
Our primary payment method is Zelle. Payments can be sent to us, at no cost to you, using Zelle, and it is available through most US banks. Simply send your payment ($18 for eBooks, $16 for hard copies) to this email address: If your bank doesn't offer this option, please contact us, and we'll send you a payment request. The request should come with a link to sign up for Zelle.
For Non-US-Based Payments:
If you don't have a US-based bank, we can accept payments through PayPal. Please note that we can only accept payments sent by following the instructions below; if we receive a payment from which fees have been deducted, we will immediately refund you the amount we actually received (which will be less than what you paid).
Steps for non-US-based PayPal payments:
1. Log into your PayPal account.
2. Click on the 'Send or Request Payment' tab on your account
3. Choose the 'Send Payment' option.
4. For personal payments, select 'send money'; do NOT select "payment for goods and services". If you choose this option, we'll refund the amount we actually received, which will be less than what you paid.
5. Enter the amount of money to send ($18 for eBooks, $16 for hard copies) as well as the email ID ( of the recipient.
6. Confirm at the bottom of the page.
For US-Based Payments if Zelle is not an option:
If you are US-based and absolutely cannot use Zelle, we also accept checks by mail. The pricing for this payment method is $21 for hard copies and $23 for eBooks. If you indicate this preference when you fill out the review request form, we will contact you with the mailing address.