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Reviewers Needed: Behind the Bonehouse

We are pleased to announce that the sign-up page for an opportunity to review Sally Wright'"Behind the Bonehouse" is now open! Please note that this is a standard mystery, and NOT a cozy book. Be sure to read the plot summary below before deciding if you would enjoy this book, and want to commit to reading and reviewing it. The review deadline is June 30, 2016.

Express your interest here:

Be sure to follow author Sally Wright online at; Website: Facebook: Twitter: @Sally_Wright5

Summary: It wasn’t until thirty years after the attacks, and the lies, and the intricately orchestrated death, that Jo Grant Munro could bring herself to describe it all in Behind The Bonehouse. Her work as an architect, and the broodmare farm she ran with her uncle, and her husband Alan’s entire future - all hung by a thread in 1964 in the complex Thoroughbred culture of bluegrass Kentucky, where rumor and gossip and the nightly news can destroy a person overnight, just like anywhere else. It was hatred in a self-obsessed soul, fermenting in an equine lab, boiling over and burning what it touched, that drove Jo and Alan to the edge of desperation while they fought through what they faced.

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