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The Humpback Rocks Murder by Patrick Kelly

I've been a fan of this series from the beginning, but this latest book may be the best one yet! I may say that every time, but this series honestly just keeps getting better as it progresses, and it was pretty great to start with!

This time around, Bill finds himself getting dragged into the goings-on of his girlfriend's ex-husband's family reunion. If that sounds convoluted, it definitely is! It gets even more so when Bill learns about the disappearance of a cousin seven years ago, and another cousin goes missing during the reunion. To further complicate things, there's a massive inheritance involved.

As always, Bill utilizes his past police experience to aid in the investigation. I appreciate the methodical way he goes about things, talking to everyone, visiting relevant places, taking time to think things through and discuss with other investigators, then revisiting people from whom he needs more information. Even though Bill is a retired police professional, the book never strays from cozy mystery territory; nothing is ever too gory, and Bill is operating in an unofficial capacity (although his help IS requested by the officials.)

The mystery is wonderful and detailed. There are quite a few suspects, as millions of dollars are at stake. The fact that all of the suspects have the same motive makes things even more interesting. The fact that they also all had opportunity complicates things further. There are plenty of questions for Bill to ask, and avenues for him to follow, before he can figure out what actually happened to the missing cousins.

The character development is great as well. Readers who have followed the series all along already know the main characters pretty well, but enough is provided for those new to the stories to have a solid sense of who they are. The new characters are all so clearly drawn that they're easy to keep straight, and all feel both unique and realistic.

Bill experiences an interesting development in his personal life by the end of the book, and it is one I was very much in favor of. I'm excited to see what happens next for Bill, although I'm pretty sure I have guessed correctly.

Bonus points for appearances by old friends Rachel, Betsy, and Mr. Chips. Even more bonus points for an expanded roll for Max this time around.

Definitely 5 slices of perfect Provolone!



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