Cruel Winter by Sheila Connolly
I couldn't wait to get to the plot's resolution! Connolly is a gifted writer, setting virtually the entire book inside her main character's Irish pub over a 24-hour period, and holding my entire attention using just the right pace and amount of information to keep me on edge and speculating about the mystery's outcome. A good mental workout for those who enjoy trying to figure out how the story will end before the final reveal. In spite of the fact that the setting and many of its inhabitants are rural, I was reminded by the story that people are people the world over, and that many individuals are most loyal within the confines of their own social and geographic circles. People who dwell outside that comfort zone are "other" and, right or wrong, can be treated with suspicion. The characters are well-drawn and engaging. wonderfully rich and varied. I felt a definite connection with many of them and found myself unable to stop reading because I cared so much about what would happen as the story progressed. Old Billy is one of my favorites, a quiet elder whose memories span many years, affording him the long view of the history and mores of Leap and its surrounding villages. I was enchanted by the picture painted of the small village and its people. I will be visiting Ireland for the first time in May, so I can't wait to see how this accounting and my own notions of my mother's "people" compare to the real deal.