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Title Wave by Lorna Barrett

"Title Wave" by Lorna Barrett is Book 10 in the Booktown Mystery series. However, it is the first book I have read in the series, and I must say that I was able to quickly and easily figure out all the characters and their relationships to one another. I did not feel at any disadvantage for having missed the earlier books, and this is rare in series works, especially when starting so late in the game. I appreciated the effort the author took to provide all the relevant information in an interesting way, without it coming across as a recap of the earlier books. So, if you like everything else you're heard about "Title Wave", dive right in with no worries! This book tells the story of two sisters (Tricia and Angelica) who are enjoying an author-themed cruise along with their friends and fellow Chamber of Commerce members from home. Of course, there is a murder onboard, and Tricia is drawn in to help solve it. The mystery is engaging and particularly enjoyable because both the victim and suspects are all in some way associated with the world of writing. The clues are provided gradually without being too obvious, allowing the reader to try to figure things out along with Tricia. Essential to any good mystery, everything makes logical sense in the end when the crime has been solved. In my opinion, this book really stands out from others in its genre due to its focus on the relationship between the two sisters, as well as their relationships with their extended family (both biological and chosen). Tricia herself is a truly likable character; I especially appreciated the fact that, unlike so many heroines who spend much of their books cooking/eating/enjoying incredibly rich foods while never gaining an ounce, Tricia is focused on healthy eating and exercise. The depictions of others trying to encourage her to break her resolve and indulge are incredibly realistic. Because Tricia is such a great character, I very much enjoyed her interplay with two potential romantic interests. Since she's not likely to see them again after the cruise unless one (or both) men make a special effort, I'm interested to see what happens with these relationships in future books. Of course, I plan to read future installments of Tricia's story, and seek out the first nine as well. Five out of five slices of incredibly sharp cheddar!

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