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Death Overdue by Allison Brook

I usually don't read paranormal/ghost-themed cozies but decided to take a chance on this one. I am so glad I did! It was a fun, delightful, and well-written cozy. Carrie Singleton, the protagonist, is a librarian who finally decides to settle in her hometown after being offered a full-time position with the Clover Ridge, Connecticut library. She decides to investigate the cold case death of a library aide and the current murder of Detective Al Buckley, the officer who was still trying to find the killer after all these years. Carrie has some "help" from a friendly ghost, but this doesn't override the mystery or the other characters, which is what I initially thought would happen. Instead, the author does a wonderful job of developing a wide variety of characters, many of whom have their own motive for murder. I was especially impressed with the depth of Carrie's character even though this is the first in the series. With some cozies, I can read three books into a series and not feel like I know a character as well as well as I did Carrie. The author's extra effort to detail is clearly apparent, even as to how the library cat enters the story. There is a romantic element but it wasn't what I usually expect and I enjoyed that as well. The book was very well-written and I can't wait for the next book in the series. I hope I don't have to wait too long!

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