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Death by a Whisker by T.C. LoTempio

Set against the background of an animal rescue shelter and a fund-raising event, "Death by a Whisker" had a well thought out plot with a believable and tantalizing pool of suspects. I really enjoyed it, cover to cover. Any story that includes lots of lovable animals draws me right in. Add a cool amateur sleuth, an unlikable murder victim, mix with shots of pathos and humor, and the result is a very satisfying read. The book’s story also brought in several issues that are common in our world and that bear revisiting. One issue is the plight of animal shelters and their inhabitants. Rescue organizations are always looking for ways to finance their work and to improve the quality of life of their guests. So many have personnel that are almost entirely volunteer. Any funds go to feeding, housing, and seeing to the health needs of the boarders. Adoption fees won’t cover the majority of that. Yes, I’ll be upping the frequency of my donations! Then there is bullying, what we used to call kids being mean to other kids. Usually the targets are weaker, smaller, younger, or vulnerable in some other way. I realized as I read the book that the victims of bullying are not the only ones who sometimes have emotional or psychological scars in later life from the abuse. The bully in this story never grew out of that behavior. She simply didn’t learn any other way to behave and suffered huge consequences as a result. Revenge is another theme that is explored. Reasons for revenge, the need for revenge, and what seeking revenge does to the life of the revenge-seeker. This book suggests that the thirst for payback can become an obsession and ultimately become the undoing of the wronged individual. All in all, I have to say that there was a lot to like about this book. I’m looking forward to more from the same author.

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