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A Secret in Thyme by Maureen Klovers

“A Secret in Thyme” is the second Rita Calabrese Culinary mystery by Maureen Klovers. Rita is an Italian housewife who has raised her family, begun a new career as an investigative reporter in her hometown of Acorn Hollow, and is considered the town’s best cook. In this tale, Rita’s fortieth anniversary coincides with Acorn Hollow’s fiftieth anniversary. When the time capsule that was buried fifty years ago is opened and reveals a skeleton along with the memorabilia, Rita devotes herself to solving the cold case. Rita is a very appealing protagonist. She is a strong woman who has created a new career for herself after her children left home, and she also finds fulfillment in cooking, as all self-respecting Italian women do. Yet she has doubts about her life and her choices. One of the most realistic parts of this story is Rita’s reconsidering of her decision to marry Sal Calabrese. This examination of life choices is triggered partly due to the arrival of her high school flame Stefano Finocchiaro, now a successful author. Rita can’t help but wonder how her life would have turned out had she made a different choice. The arrival of Sal’s cousin Calvino, a cigar smoking man with….dubious connections, further complicates Rita’s life. The mystery itself is challenging and the solution is a bit complicated. Rita has to delve into the history of the town from fifty years ago, relying on citizens of the town who have information that she doesn’t. This allows the author to develop a delightful and rich cast of supporting characters. Also, Rita has a “secret weapon” - chocolate dipped peanut butter biscotti - that she bakes to ply her interviewees to reveal their secrets. Thankfully, author Maureen Klovers generously includes the recipe for the biscotti in the back of the book, along with some other mouth watering recipes. All in all, this is a delightful series and I am eagerly awaiting the third installment. While I wait, I will read the first in the series, The Secret Poison Garden. If you love small town settings, strong female characters, and a close sense of community, these are the mysteries for you.

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