Dough or Die by Winnie Archer
This is a book cozy lovers dough not want to pass up! It is the fifth in the series but the first that I have read. I had no trouble keeping up even though there were several plot lines referenced from previous books. I certainly got enough background information to keep up with the current action. Ivy is a likeable protagonist that seems to know her place in the world. She is comfortable with herself which instantly makes it possible for the reader to get comfortable with her as well. Her snooping wasn't over-the-top, and when she did something that crossed a line, she readily acknowledged it and forged ahead. A women's shelter plays a key role in the story. I am glad such a serious and often overlooked topic was addressed here. It kept the story grounded and added a tone of seriousness. It was not, however, depressing.It also allowed the reader to view Ivy's natural compassion. I would have liked to see more interactions between Ivy and Olaya. Olaya seems like a wonderful character, and it would have been nice to see her get more page time. That being said, the relationship between the two of them seems very sweet. Olaya is the queen of bread and it shows. Bread permeates every page of the novel. I loved the scenes that had detailed descriptions of the breads and their origins. It was a nice touch and brought it all together. The setting was a character in itself. Ivy's love for her home was palpable and seems to shape who she is today. I loved getting to explore the town right along with her. The mystery was a web for sure but not anything too convoluted or confusing. Just a good old puzzle. I was impressed with Ivy's ability to piece it all together. Ivy and the police chief are best friends and almost-sister-in-laws, but I thought the chief might have let Ivy get a little too involved in the process. It seemed like a rather relaxed situation for a homicide investigation. One of my favorite scenes of the whole book came at the end and was an interaction between the two of them. It was so very natural and a great way to wrap it all up.