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Into the Sweet Hereafter by Kaye George

by Chewie the Mouse

"Into the Sweet Hereafter" by Kaye George is a solidly-written cozy mystery. It utilizes all the expected elements, like a heroine with an interesting job (Tally, candy shop owner), a great friend/side-kick (Yolanda), a possibly law-enforcement love interest (Jackson), and a cute pet (Nigel). However, Ms. George offers the reader some unique elements that, while still fitting within the cozy genre, really make this book stand out.

For one, parts of the story are told from both Tally's and Yolanda's perspectives. This isn't often done in cozies, and I really appreciated getting to see people and events through different sets of eyes. I felt this technique also added depth to the secondary/best friend character, and I enjoyed getting to know Yolanda every bit as much as Tally.

A second unique element was the international intrigue. While some cozies are set outside the US, I think this is the first one I've read where the crimes being investigated had roots overseas. I liked this added twist, and thought it made the book a touch edgier than a typical cozy. The potential danger seemed more real, even though there was no graphic content. The blood jewels storyline made for an interesting change from the usual cozy plot, and I was happy to discover something a bit different.

Lastly, the reader knows from the beginning who is behind the crimes. While some of the specific details remain mysterious, you'll be shown up front who the guilty party is. It was interesting to observe Tally and Yolanda work their way through the clues to reach a conclusion that had already been revealed.

All in all, an excellent book. I enjoyed all the standard cozy elements, but especially appreciated the unique touches Ms. George brought to the story to make it stand out within the genre.

Five out of five chunks of perfect provolone!


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