The Disappearance of Emily by Elizabeth Pantley
by Seraphia, guest reviewer
"The Disappearance of Emily" is book two in Elizabeth Pantley’s Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series. I ate this book up. Since all of the major characters and relationships have been established this book grabbed me from the beginning and pulled me through like crazy. I couldn’t get enough of this book and I am more than a little excited for the third book in this series. Like seriously…just hand it here…like…now….right now, right now.
Hayden is adjusting to life in Destiny Falls pretty well, but she still has a lot of questions and she’s more than a little homesick. I can’t say that I blame her. She’s so close yet so far from those that she loves and due to the magic of the island. It’s not like she can just reach out and tell them what’s going on and where she really is. This story flows so well and I love how beautifully and uniquely the author has created Destiny Falls. I literally laughed out loud and gasped at some of the stores that Hayden visits and experiences, and exactly how unique they are.
Of course, the author piques my interest when a specific woman approaches Hayden as secretively as she can to warn her of a danger that is yet unseen by Hayden. The woman promises to explain, but things don’t pan out. So now Hayden has a mystery to figure out as to who killed her and why? All of it surrounding the mysterious ferry that some people are paying high amounts of money to travel or at least attempt to travel on.
There is so much going on in this book and the author does a fantastic job keeping me engaged from beginning to end. The first book I felt took a while to get going, but I love that this book really grabbed me and kept me page-turning to the very end…which left me on the edge of my seat for the next book.
No issues to complain of with this book! Absolutely fantastic story from start to finish! I can't wait for the next book!
If you read the first book in the Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic series and enjoyed it then I highly encourage you to pick this book up. I’m choosing to rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. I’m really looking forward to the next book, because the mystery is only deepening! This book so well written and I'm sure that if you read the first and enjoyed you're going to love this installment.